This year's Data Science Research Bazaar will host the inaugural UW-Madison Open Awards on March 20th. The UW-Madison Open Awards are sponsored by the Data Science Institute, Open Source Program Office, and the Libraries. The awards recognize and celebrate those using open practices in their work and who are inspiring others to do the same.The awards also recognize that Open practices vary across academic communities including: open access publishing, open data, open education, open source software and hardware, open science, and more.
The awards will honor 1 winner each for the Open Source Award and the Open Scholarship Award as well as inaugural inductees to the UW-Madison Open Hall of Fame. You are encouraged to nominate faculty and staff (as individuals or teams) for the Open Awards through this form: Open Awards Nomination Form.
Each winner will receive a $1000 award. Hall of Fame inductees will have their names displayed in the forthcoming UW-Madison Libraries digital scholarship hub located in Memorial Library.
Nominations are due by end of day Friday, February 28th. Winners will be notified by March 10th.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
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